Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Jesus said, Someone was receiving guests. When he had prepared the dinner, he sent his slave to invite the guests. The slave went to the first and said, "My master invites you." The first replied, "Some merchants owe me money; they are coming to me tonight. I have to go and give them instructions. Please excuse me from dinner." The slave went to another and said, "My master has invited you." The second said to the slave, "I have bought a house, and I have been called away for a day. I shall have no time." The slave went to another and said, "My master invites you." The third said to the slave, "My friend is to be married, and I am to arrange the banquet. I shall not be able to come. Please excuse me from dinner." The slave went to another and said, "My master invites you." The fourth said to the slave, "I have bought an estate, and I am going to collect the rent. I shall not be able to come. Please excuse me." The slave returned and said to his master, "Those whom you invited to dinner have asked to be excused."The master said to his slave, "Go out on the streets and bring back whomever you find to have dinner." Buyers and merchants [will] not enter the places of my Father. (64 Thomas)

"Please excuse me." There is always an excuse and usually a good excuse for not attending, not paying attention, not accepting the invitation, not entering into the joy of God's purpose.

There are practical and urgent matters that have claimed our attention. Surely God understands. Surely he will excuse us.

I expect God understands all too well. Despite our busy boorishness we continue to be invited. But until we accept the invitation we have chosen to exclude ourselves from the full experience of God's love.

The synoptic parallels are Luke 14:15-24 and Matthew 22:1-10.

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