Sunday, May 4, 2008

Jesus said, "A grapevine has been planted apart from the Father. Since it is not strong, it will be pulled up by its root and will perish." (40 Thomas)

If I had more understanding of Coptic I would want to consider the deeper meanings of "planted apart." Especially out of context the intention of the speaker can be difficult to discern.

My immediate sense is that apart means separated or detached. So I might think of religious traditions outside the Judeo-Christian experience. They will wither away?

The English word apart can also suggest independent, isolated, or alone. This might suggest individuals who, for whatever reason, are outside the community of faith. They are to be welcomed?

For twenty years I have tried to grow concord grapes on my mountainside. Shortly after the first vine was producing a few grapes a utility crew killed the vine with herbicide. Last year a late frost eliminated any chance of grapes from the new vine.

If I found a grapevine growing anywhere on my property I would either carefully replant it or I would protect and nurture it wherever it might be. Even if it was growing apart, I would go to it and care for it.

The canonical parallels are Matthew 15:10-20 and John 15:1-17.

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