Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Jesus said, "When you see one who was not born of woman, fall on your faces and worship. That one is your Father." (15 Thomas)

It is a curious phrase. Jesus was born of woman and yet is one with the Father. At least this is the orthodox understanding.

How might we recognize one not born of woman? Would the belly-button be missing? Is this the sign that should preoccupy us?

In the book of Job those born of woman are "few of days and full of trouble." (See Job 14) Perhaps it is just a turn-of-phrase for one who is immortal.

In any case, Jesus does not seem to be referring to himself. He is taking his place beside us and joining us in our days and troubles.

Jesus offers his example and his help to escape the trap described by Job and the dead-ends that we make for ourselves.

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