Thursday, April 17, 2008

Jesus said, "I shall choose you, one from a thousand and two from ten thousand, and they will stand as a single one." (23 Thomas)

It is not just with God that we share an identity, it is also with one another.

We are created of the same stuff and in the image of the same God. We share in common the one God's impulse and intent.

Each of us are unique expressions of God. From both nature and nurture we develop particular strengths and preferences.

But our differences should not obscure what we share. Pick one from a thousand and two from ten thousand and still - with time and talk - we will find much in common.

We are chosen to love God and our neighbor as ourselves. This is to recognize that God, our neighbor, and each of us are as one.

Above is an icon of St. Jude Thaddeus who many understand to be another name for Judas Thomas, two as one.

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