Saturday, April 19, 2008

Jesus said, "Love your friends like your own soul, protect them like the pupil of your eye." (25 Thomas)

Thomas is written in Coptic. Probing Coptic for deeper meaning is beyond my capability. It is ancient Egyptian street language rendered with ancient Greek letters.

I am reminded of my time in Japan. I could say and hear several Japanese words. If I heard "jiyugaoka" I recognized it as a place in Tokyo. If I had seen the kanji - 自由が丘 - I would not have had any idea. Only later did I learn that jiyugaoka meant Freedom Hill. But much later I learned this had once been a center of prostitution and was better understood as Licentious Hill.

There is disagreement regarding the Coptic in saying 25. It is disputed as to whether we are to love our friends or our brothers or our neighbors.

Probably all three. And more to the point is the practical expression of this love. We are to actively defend and care for friends, brothers, and neighbors.

So often I seek to limit God's expanse. Too often I try to define God's infinity. If I seek to love God, who can I not love?

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