Sunday, July 13, 2008

Jesus said, "The one who has found the world, and has become wealthy, should renounce the world." (110 Thomas)

Thomas is very Greek in his tendency to perceive the material and spiritual worlds in tension.

Yet he consistently communicates that God's domain is present in the world.

If this world is God's domain, what is the source of tension... or is Thomas misperceiving reality?

There are moments when I seem to experience God's domain. There are many days when I do not. What is the difference?

The Coptic for world is kocmoc. This is a loan word from the Greek koxmox or cosmos.

In daily language koxmox suggested an arrangement, the opposite of chaos. Chaos is disorganized potential. Cosmos is organized potential.

Pythagoros used the word for his "world system." But it could also be used to suggest a superficial cosmetic.

When I am outside God's domain I am usually preoccupied with myself or I am distracted by some passing illusion... cosmetic concerns.

I know God's domain when I allow myself to experience the totality of God's creation... the cosmos.

Above is Thomas in stained glass from the Church of St. Thomas in Harty, Kent.

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