Sunday, June 8, 2008

Jesus said, "There are many standing at the door, but those who are alone will enter the bridal suite." (75 Thomas)

The prior saying is unusual in standing alone as a follower's statement. Is this the the answer to the implied question?

We thirst for intimacy with God, consumation of our relationship with God, a unification of two as one. In this way we yearn for the bridal suite.

Many experience this longing but only the manoxoc will be fulfilled. This is Coptic for alone, a single person, a solitary, it eventually was used for spiritual contemplatives.

I wonder about using singular as in, "only the singular will enter the bridal suite." To me this suggests knowing our particular identity, our specific purpose, our true self.

Perhaps we can only know God as we work with God to know our singular role within God's intention.

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