Jesus said, "A person cannot mount two horses or bend two bows. And a slave cannot serve two masters, otherwise that slave will honor the one and offend the other. "Nobody drinks aged wine and immediately wants to drink young wine. Young wine is not poured into old wineskins, or they might break, and aged wine is not poured into a new wineskin, or it might spoil. An old patch is not sewn onto a new garment, since it would create a tear." (47 Thomas)
The analogies offered by Jesus all emphasize clarity of purpose and consistency of choice with purpose. Which horse is best for the purpose at hand? Which bow? Choose one and use it to advance your purpose.
Too often I am confused regarding purpose. Is my purpose to serve others or serve myself? Because I am uncertain of my purpose I am hesitant in my choices. Because of I hesitate I fail to engage opportunities or problems in a timely way.
Is our purpose to know, reconcile, and co-create with God? If so, what should we choose? There are plenty of distractions and temptations to other purposes. But if I am serious regarding this transcendent purpose, how do I best organize my life around this purpose?
Usually I choose - most of us choose - other purposes: personal security, control, or ego-satisfaction. My choices typically reflect these purposes. But these purposes are illusions. Like a desert mirage, just as I seem to be close to achievement the goal evaporates.
Because these false purposes are beyond achievement, in doubt and frustration I may approach God for help. But I seldom make knowing and hearing God my full purpose. I try to ride both God's purpose and my own purpose. At best it is a scary ride. At worst, I will be torn it two.
Above is Thomas encountering Christ by Duccio.
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