Jesus said, "I disclose my mysteries to those [who are worthy] of [my] mysteries. Do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing." (62 Thomas)
A mystery is something hidden, something secret, but also more. It is something tantalizing, something powerful.
To understand a mystery - to break its code - intellectual consistency is often unhelpful, even an impediment.
A mystery is inconsistent with our expectations otherwise it is not a mystery. A mystery is incoherent with the facts or at least our initial impression of the facts.
In the book of Daniel there is an Aramaic word - raz - that may be the word Jesus used. In that book of mysteries we read: "But as for me, this mystery has not been revealed to me for any wisdom residing in me more than in any other living man, but for the purpose of making the interpretation known to the king, and that you may understand the thoughts of your mind." (Daniel 2:30)
To know mystery open your mind to paradox, open your life to ambiguity, expose what you believe to its contradiction.
If the left does not agree with the right do not be troubled, rather seek another way. Be open to an understanding that transcends your current categories.
We create categories, frames, and more as tools for understanding. But some understanding is beyond the scope of our present tools.
Above from the Hunterian Psalter is Thomas encountering the risen Jesus and Jesus saving Peter. In each case an interesting coincidence of faith and doubt, being open and closed, understanding and ignorance.
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