[Jesus said], "If you have money, don't lend it at interest. Rather, give [it] to someone from whom you won't get it back." (95 Thomas)
Consider replacing "money" with other words: time, skill, or talent. Vegetables from the garden. Apples from my tree. Eggs from the hen house. A ride to town.
It is much more difficult for most of us to give money away than to give away anything else.
Recently someone said they needed money. I was not sure they did, in fact, need the money. I was feeling rather needy myself.
But I gave what they said they needed. I had it. The giving away would have no immediate effect on me.
It did, however, have an effect. I am still trying to decide why I gave it. What would it mean if I defined value as giving rather than receiving?
According to legend St. Thomas was hired by a South Indian king to build a palace. The Apostle received the money and gave it to the poor. When the king came to inspect the construction site Thomas explained he was building the king a palace in heaven. The king was furious and ordered Thomas put to death. But at the last minute the king's dead brother appeared in a vision and confirmed that a glorious place in heaven had been erected exactly as Thomas described. Thomas was allowed to live and continue his work.
Above is Thomas holding an architect's square.
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